Heredity, genetics, growth. - OLR-relevant -
Until today, and it will remain at the level of the gene code, one needs a pair of parents in breeding form with top gene codes, passing traits and the famous bit of luck.
So, following my vision, I had to focus my research on the area of genetically effective activities that do not involve structural changes of the genetic code per se.
Defacto, there are mitigating influences on the full unfolding of the coded genetic information. They affect not only the individual himself, but are also passed on to the offspring.
My professional practice combined with homeopathic knowledge have led me to the conviction that in this area a positive influence on heredity in racing pigeon breeding should be possible. So the way had to go via a reduction of depressing influences in the context of heredity.
Similar processes were and are until today, e.g. in homeopathy, to be solved only in individual cases and with a great expenditure of time and knowledge. They are described in the homeopathic approach with the term “miasmatic” and have to do in the broadest sense with the medical term of “disposition”. They are very complex and have a diminishing effect in the form of destabilization of the basic health. They also lead to fluctuations in performance.
The pigeons, which are so directly or via their genetic armament “extra” equipped, should thus have an advantage, which was previously unknown and unused in the racing pigeon breeding. So significant improvements in the form of spectacular pigeons and successes should be possible.
The results, successes and statements have confirmed to me that my experiences, conclusions and working hypotheses about an improvement in the field of genetic transmission of parental hereditary information are correct.
My conclusions are clearly confirmed and substantiated by the user statements, national successes and the international results of OLR-top-players, like Uwe Neubauer, Thomas Kornelius and Simon Wolf in 2018-2020. .